Friday, December 19, 2008

Girlfriend In A Coma

I was stressed out today from the whole Rick Warren debacle with Barry Obama, and I've been pouting about how to deal with fundamentalists.

To get my mind off of politics I was messing around with my brother's digital recorder and for fun recorded my version of one of my favorite The Smiths songs "Girlfriend In A Coma." The older I get the more of a The Smiths fan I become, and I don't listen to much Brit Pop, but I really enjoy their sound and it's a different genre of music for me to dabble in.

I posted the song on my drum dominated myspace music page at

Most people don't know I play guitar and seldomly attempt at vocals.


Nick said...
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Nick said...

I like the song. :)

I hope one day when you erect and fashion together a third, free-willed, free-thinking political party, you'll have a lucrative position waiting for me. :D

Will C said...

I'm glad you liked the song, maybe I'll put more up of my acoustic stuff.

Once the free-thinking, secular political party is up and running there will definitely be a position for you if wanted, and hopefully the party will be pretty successful making the position pretty lucrative.