I had to change the name of my blog again.
I had a lucid dream the other night on mushrooms in which I was at sea basically as like a Capt. Ahab type character and I was looking for my white whale. Then I had a similar dream to that again last night, in which I was on a boat at sea looking for a group of whales that I couldn't find.
Since having these dreams I've had this phrase in my head "Scaling The Whales." I feel I've reached the part of my Drive To 2011 where my journey has been distracted by my attempt to scale the whales.
I assume that the "whales" I'm looking to scale involve music. Even within that phrase the word scale has multiple meanings and music has scales, which only leads me to believe I'm looking for something with music.
I'm in the process of starting a new side project with one of my oldest friends and former bandmate from 5 years ago, which is a total departure of what I've been playing. I hope to get some our of music online very soon, it's all improvised and more electronic than about anything I've ever done. Our music is a mixture of King Crimson, MGMT, Animal Collective, and free-form jazz. We're thinking of naming the band name Weather. I like it, it's a very simple name and weather invokes all different kinds of mental images to people when said.
I had an interview at DePaul University earlier this week as part of their admissions process trying to get in there for grad school, and Dr. David Ehrlich who interviewed me said I exceeded all expectations he had after meeting me, and that he is recommending for DePaul's Public Policy Studies graduate program. So I'm pretty excited about that, and now I'm on the scholarship hunt. It'd be cool to be going to grad school this fall, and DePaul was my No.1 choice, so it's great that I got in there and now I just have to figure out everything else in my life.