Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Of Moons, Birds & Monsters


I hung out with some friends, it was a pretty fun night. I attempted to expand my horizons Friday night and besides the usual of drinking alcohol (which included two of my favorite beers being 1. Framboise Lambic a delicious rasberry flavored belgian beer 2. Brother Thelonius a great brown style ale named after the one and only Thelonius Monk) I took some Adderall. Adderall is a crazy drug, which not only increased my cognitive ability and focused my concentration, but kept me up til 6 in the morning.

At the whims of the friends I was with we ended up going to Exedus II, which is a reggae bar and is predominantly black. I was one of like the only four white people in this place, which was packed. I even did something I very rarely do and broke it down on the dance floor and got a few looks from the brothers near me. I was out of my element.


I met up with a friend of mine down in Pilsen on the southside. I had never been to Pilson before, and it's actually a pretty cool place. I feel the southside gets a worse wrap than it deserves. I like hispanics, and Pilsen which is predominantly hispanic is an interesting area. I was at a apartment in Pilsen just hanging out, and one of the guys there who was from Chile and tripping on mushrooms suggested we go to a tequila party some friends he knew were having.

The group of people I was with went to the party, which was wild. They were guys doing tattoos in the kitchen and scarifications. If you don't know what a scarification is, picture a tattoo that is carved into you with no ink, kind of liked getting branded. It was a wild scene, and definitely different from the kind of parties I was use to. I think it was good for me to see the otherside of life something.

The tequila party was nothing but hispanic and blacks expect for me, I was literally the only white guy there, but nobody seemed to notice or care, which was really really cool. I felt like I fit in, which I don't usually feel when I party with white people.


I had a really boring Easter, probably because I don't celebrate the holiday so there's nothing to do.

To catch a monster
We make a movie
Set the tempo
And cut and cut its brains out
It will inspire on the burning pyre
Half the distance
Half the motion
It's easy as the ocean

Of Moons, Birds & Monsters

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