Monday, May 4, 2009

Smile Of A Waiting Man

Well the verdict came in today and I am accepted to DePaul University's School of Public Service to attend grad school starting this fall.

I was reminded of a great quote today when I was reading my acceptance e-mail from DePaul. "It is possible to suffer without achieving the aim," the quote is by Robert Fripp and serves me as a reality check sometimes.

I have been waiting a while to hear back from DePaul University about grad school and have been humming a song in my head for about a week now. It is probably my favorite song of all time by my favorite band King Crimson, and the subject of the song is man waiting to return home. I have always connected to songs about going home because I feel that I don't have one, so I'm constantly waiting to go home.

"I come back...come back
you see my return
my returning face is smiling
smile of a waiting man...
I be home soon soon soon
soon cry on your shoulder
your shoulder against my burning tears
tears of a waiting man...
one two three four one two three...
I wait every moment
I wait, wait for my chance
I wait for my friend to say
hello, you waiting man
feel no fret feel no fret feel no fret
you can wait and feel no fret
and so I wait so I wait so I wait so I wait
I return face is smiling
be home soon cry on your shoulder
tears of a waiting man
every moment wait for my chance
my friend say hello feel no fret
you can wait and I wait and I wait
and home I am..."
- Adrian Belew

Music: King Crimson "Waiting Man"

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