Sunday, October 25, 2009


When it's cold, it comes slow.
It is warm, just watch it grow.
All around me. It is here. It is now.

In season, out of season
What's the difference when you don't know the reason.
In one hand bread, the other a stone.

I have crossed between the poles, and to me there is no mystery.
Once a man like the sea I raged.
Once a woman like the earth I gave.
But there is in fact more earth than sea.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


If you don't stand up, you don't stand a chance.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Road Report

I was in a car accident earlier tonight, and it sucked.

All I can say is police reports suck, dealing with insurance companies suck, I feel like everthing sucks right now.

What started off as a great weekend on Friday by the end of tonight ended up being pretty fucking miserable.

"I am the one who guided you this far. All you know and all you feel. Nobody must know my name, for nobody would understand and you give what you fear... You're on your own until the end."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blood On The Rooftops

Fall in Chicago has been a nostalgiac experience. It reminds me of going to school at Ferris State, and something a friend told me about fall three years ago.

He said,"Fall tis the season of Genesis."

So maybe fall tis the season of Genesis? I've been listening to the album "Wind & Wuthering" lately and the music of that album has just been fitting perfectly with fall in Chicago.

I've been getting more political lately. I really believe that grad school is making me better educated in monetary policy, which is making me feel more ready to go out and start stirring the political and social pot in this country.

Unique slumber for the sleepers...

... In that quiet earth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Ninth Wave

I use to drive the night towards my home, the place I was born on the lakeside.

I've since moved on to another town, and have tried hard to settle down.

If I could I would make a deal to live this day again, running up that hill..

It is so strange the way things turn.

I want more than this. Can I get what I want?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

On The Way Home To Earth

I've had some interesting events occur lately.

I feel like I'm on the way home to Earth.

My band just got booked to play the aftershow party when the Pixies play at the Aragon next month, and I'm pretty stoked about it. Possibly the most important gig I've ever had if things go to plan.

I'm currently working on a group project for class, and it's trying to microfinance a bank in the Congo. We are working with/against one of my biggest enemies the World Bank.

I find it ironic that so many people have told me that I'm a radical or out of touch with political reality because I openly don't agree with and want to get rid of the World Bank and the Federal Reserve, but while those who criticize me and my political philosophy have no connection to politics or actually changing the world I am involved and will hopefully do some good.

The Drive To 2011 is very much alive.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I look at all the grazing sheeple.