Thursday, October 8, 2009

On The Way Home To Earth

I've had some interesting events occur lately.

I feel like I'm on the way home to Earth.

My band just got booked to play the aftershow party when the Pixies play at the Aragon next month, and I'm pretty stoked about it. Possibly the most important gig I've ever had if things go to plan.

I'm currently working on a group project for class, and it's trying to microfinance a bank in the Congo. We are working with/against one of my biggest enemies the World Bank.

I find it ironic that so many people have told me that I'm a radical or out of touch with political reality because I openly don't agree with and want to get rid of the World Bank and the Federal Reserve, but while those who criticize me and my political philosophy have no connection to politics or actually changing the world I am involved and will hopefully do some good.

The Drive To 2011 is very much alive.

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