Friday, August 21, 2009

Terrestrial Commuter

I haven't blogged for some time now, which has mainly been because of my constant traveling. I'm getting a little road weary, but I only have one more big trip before my summer ends and I can settle down in Chicago and focus on school.

I am so pumped up about the house I'm renting with my band in Logan Square. It is a beautiful home, and a good enough neighborhood to make me feel safe (pretty hard to do).

Things seem to be going pretty good for me, I'm starting grad school, got a house with Chicago, the band is going well and can't wait to play Nashville next month.

The only problem I've had is being on the road has basically put my social life on like freeze frame, which has made me a little aggrevated and frustrated at not being in the city as much as I like, but I've pretty much already weathered the bulk of that storm.

I keep getting these almost synchronicitic conversations about Portland, Oregon. I think I might just have to travel there and see what all the fuss is about. Maybe this fall or winter I will go out to Portland for a week and scope it out.

Now I have to get back to packing my bags because I'm off to Syracuse for a couple weeks. Now I just need someone like Jack Kerouac or Paul Bowles to write about my road experiences.

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