Thursday, December 18, 2008

WTF Rick Warren!!!

Today I read that Rick Warren will be giving the invocation at Barry Obama's inauguration ceremony and all I can ask is why? Why Rick Warren? Rick Warren is an idiot, and not only an idiot, but he's scary. He is out of his mind. I am fucking sick and tired of these evangelical bastards who think they have some moral superiority over the rest of us.

I've had it with these evangelicals trying to get political influence and trying to control and determine our morals in an effort of conformity and elimination of individual expression.

I can't believe Barry Obama would be doing anything with Rick Warren. Where are all the Obama is a Muslim people now? Rick Warren should be paying taxes up his ying yang for all the support he gave to proposition 8 in California. It's just ridiculous how these churches try to influence politics for their own so-called "moral" agenda. Rick Warren compared gay marriage to incest, pedophilic marriage, and polygamy. He is the Anita Bryant of our time. I don't know what else to say right now.

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